Sunday, November 21, 2004

Random wonderings

Lately, I have been drawn to the idea of writing my own blog. I have grown attached to the idea of typing out my random wonderings because it seems like a perfect way to exorcise my fears and to frustrations at the little obstacle courses that life throws my way. Fear not! This is not going to be yet another blog that falls into the quagmire of lamentable depression and gloom. I used to be an avid diarist from the age of 8- My mother introduced me to this addictive habit- at first it was an ingenious way to keep me occupied for at least an hour during the sweltering heat of the afternoon during the summer holidays. In those days, my diary entries were very mundane- mostly descriptions of what i ate and what i did all day and who i met...these developed into accounts of my adventures, nature trips and mountaineering expeditions as i grew older and a log of my ever changing ambitions, aspirations and passions- from wanting to climb the Everest before i turned 25 (that never happened, I am sad to report- but i hope i will climb the Everest some day) to idealising the Prince Charming that I hoped to bowl over with my wit and brilliance on some fortunate day(which did happen- not sure whether it was wit or brilliance that caught his eye though). The general business of life took over and I haven’t written in my diary in over 5 years now. I realised that I needed to begin a new one...SOON. And that i was going to move on with the times and have my own weblog in this anonymous cyberspace.

Who am I?? I am an optimist (mostly!). My life is full of simple pleasures. The smallest bit of kindness and the first buds on the dogwood trees during spring bring a smile to my face. I giggle like a little girl when the wind whips the wind around my face and makes the leaves dance at street corners. I like to think of myself as a dreamer who likes to look for the silver lining in any black cloud and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. My life, like anyone else’s is a mixture of storm clouds and sunshine-mostly sunshine. I battle with an overactive sense of social responsibility and yes, I have a sneaking suspicion that I am a bit of a feminist (though i wouldn’t classify myself as the bra burning type). I thought I would write a few lines about myself because it would be an exercise in helping me define myself. Well, it is nearly 3 in the morning so I better climb under the cosy quilt and catch some sleep. Early morning rise tomorrow even though it is a weekend. I want to go out running by the Riverside before the joggers come out in full force (although the rain might keep them away). You can be sure, I will be back soon.

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